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Listen to articles, PDFs, emails, etc. in your podcast player or browser.


Audioread is an AI-based tool that provides ultra-realistic voices for listening to web articles, PDFs, emails, and various other types of content. The tool can be used in a podcast app or browser, allowing users to seamlessly convert text into audio while performing their daily activities, such as exercising, cooking, commuting, or running errands.

Users can also forward emails, drag/drop PDFs, copy/paste text, or highlight it. Audioread offers several listening options, including the ability to create and subscribe to a personal podcast, with compatibility for leading podcast apps such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Overcast.

Alternatively, users can listen to the converted audio directly in the browser. The tool provides a free trial, and the paid version offers unlimited word conversions per day, up to 18 languages, and can convert 100,000 words per conversion for a monthly subscription of $15.

Audioread has earned positive youtube users such as Thomas Frank, and has been recommended in articles like The Age of AI Has Begun on

Users concerned about the amount of time it takes to read long articles, PDFs, and emails will appreciate Audioread for allowing them to listen to content while they perform other activities.