DeepBeat is an AI program that generates rap lyrics using machine learning techniques. It combines lines from existing rap songs, trying to match rhyming lines and ensure the lyrics make sense together.
The tool includes keywords, such as "birthday" and "truth," that can be added to the lyrics to generate more personalized and relevant content. Users can choose to generate entire lyrics automatically or add lines manually using "Suggest (Rhyming) Line" buttons or writing lines themselves.
The tool also allows users to edit settings and add keywords through the upper-right corner of the interface. DeepBeat was created by Eric Malmi, Stephen Fenech, and Pyry Takala and has been featured in several media outlets, including Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal, and Mashable.
The tool's source code is available on GitHub, and the team accepts feedback from users via email. DeepBeat's lyrics, generated from its algorithms, can be used for artistic or entertainment purposes.