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InterviewnHQ is a platform designed to help aspiring professionals prepare for system design interviews. It equips users with a plethora of comprehensive resources and real interview simulations, providing a comprehensive rehearsal for tech interviews. Unique aspects of InterviewnHQ include its ability to deliver tailored feedback and equip users with insights on how to accentuate their skills. It is configured to cater to both beginners and experienced developers, making it versatile and adaptable for all stages of tech career progression.One of the key features of InterviewnHQ is its mock interview tool with instant feedback provision. Users can test their knowledge by designing complex systems, such as a load balancer for Apple Music, and receive immediate objective feedback to help them understand areas of weakness and strength. The tool takes into account critical factors influencing the system design like traffic distribution, availability, scalability, performance, and maintenance.Furthermore, InterviewnHQ promotes interactive learning by providing users an opportunity to participate in a simulated interview, conducted by an AI-based interview tool. This enables them to experience a real-time interview scenario and learn from their mistakes.Summarily, InterviewnHQ can be an integral part of your journey towards acing your next system design interview by providing a practice platform that takes you through the major aspects of a tech interview, from mastering system design to refining professional expertise.