Lucidpic's Picture'


Diverse and unique stock images for avatars.

About Lucidpic

Lucidpic provides AI generated stock images of people that do not exist. It is a royalty free platform, which means that users can download and use the images without paying any additional fees.

The platform offers a wide range of filters, including sex, ethnicity, age, hair color, hair length, and clothing. It also offers a range of photo styles, such as Standard, Cinematic, Insta, Candid, High Contrast, and Black and White.

The AI Photo Studio allows users to quickly generate quality stock images of people, and adjust clothing, hair, style, and age to get the perfect photo.

The images are suitable for websites, social media posts, elearning and advertising. They are of high quality, royalty free, and completely unique. Users can sign up with Google to get started and download the images in either Standard or HD format.