Magic App Generator's Picture'

Magic App Generator

Generate web apps fast with GPT Web App Generator.

About Magic App Generator

Generated by ChatGPT The GPT Web App Generator is a tool that enables users to quickly generate full-stack web applications using the power of GPT and the Wasp full-stack framework. This generator utilizes technologies such as React, Node.js, and Prisma to create responsive and dynamic web apps. Users need to have JavaScript enabled in order to run these apps.The generated apps can have various functionalities based on the user's preferences and requirements. The tool provides a user-friendly interface where users can input app details like name, description, and brand color. They can also choose the creativity level and select authentication methods such as username and password.The generated app can be tailored to different use cases. For example, users can create a simple to-do app where they can list, edit, and toggle tasks on a main page. Similarly, they can create an app to track plants, where users can monitor watering schedules, add new plants, and receive reminders. Additionally, the tool can generate a blogging platform where users can create, view, edit, and delete posts and comments.The generated apps offer multi-page functionality. The home page displays posts or plant information depending on the app, and users can navigate to other pages like "New post" or "Edit post" based on their permissions. Access controls ensure that users can only see and modify their own tasks, plants, posts, and comments.The GPT Web App Generator is a unique experiment developed by Wasp and is open-source. Users can find the code on GitHub and can join the Discord community for any support or further inquiries.