PhoneScreen's Picture'


Revolutionize hiring with AI-powered phone screening.

About PhoneScreen

Generated by ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered tool designed to significantly streamline the hiring process by automating phone screening. This tool enables recruiters to effortlessly and rapidly conduct candidate screens, which not only reduces time spent on individual candidate evaluations, but also enhances the overall selection process. Designed to mitigate the challenges of 'resume drowning', it utilizes AI capabilities to call, screen, and rank candidates, easing the workload of HR teams. The tools automation process commences upon the upload of job post details, such as location, skills, salary, and experience, whereupon the system generates interview questions focused on the stipulated skills and requirements. Subsequently, the interview questions can be customized as required, and an automated phone screen is then good to proceed. Each job post created generates a unique application link, facilitating immediate and automated phone screens for applicants. Candidates' performances during phone screens are extensively analyzed, resulting in a detailed scorecard, inclusive of the candidates' responses to each question. Playback options for each call are also made available to provide comprehensive candidate assessment. thus offers recruiters a more efficient method of identifying top-performing applicants without extensive manual effort.