TacoTranslate's Picture'


App translation

About TacoTranslate

TacoTranslate is an automatic internationalization (i18n) tool designed specifically for React applications. It streamlines the localization process by automatically collecting and translating all the strings within your React application code, eliminating the need for managing separate JSON files for translation purposes.

TacoTranslate provides contextually accurate translations, powered by AI, that continually improves over time to maintain the tone and accuracy of your product's message.

Importantly, TacoTranslate is engineered with particular emphasis for compatibility with the React framework Next.js, though it works seamlessly with other frameworks as well.

Implementing new features and supporting new languages come without delay, allowing developers to focus on growth and innovation. TacoTranslate features involve continuous delivery and instant localization.

Users can incrementally integrate the tool into their applications, enjoying the benefits of internationalization without significant codebase overhaul.

Moreover, it provides a user-friendly interface for improving translations, ensuring the precise conveyance of your message. The tool enables developers to directly access and manage translation strings within the application code, allowing them to focus on coding rather than maintaining separate translation files.